My holiday in Switzerland and Germany

Switzerland - a country of beautiful mountains and lakes

A view from the window of Ming Srou's house

Grapes and cherries at a relative's house

In front of Ming Srou's house

At Ming Vy's house

At Ming Solim's house (Never thought that Ming Solim was my French teacher at Alliance...)

Ming Sophy, me, Ming Srou, and Yeay Lang (from left to right)

In the middle of Bern, the most historical city of Switzerland

Tina, Patrick, Yeay Nov, me at Ming Lang's house
6 year-old Richard and me at uncle Sovira's house
Me and my grand cousins after a great day at Europa Park, Germany
Aunty Sophy, Tina, Patrick, and me (at Aunty Lang's house)

Little Reyan (house cleaning expert ha ha.....he really likes playing with vacuum cleaner)
Some more of my grand cousins
The youngest of my grand cousins
An amazing day at Europa amusement park, Germany

Cheers !!!

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