The Fistival of the Sampeah Preah Khe , Auk Ambok , and Bandet Prortib

The Fistival of the Sampeah Preah Khe and Auk Ambok
Sampeah Preah Khe means the salutation to the moon. Auk Ambok means the offering of bananas and Ambok. In the first phrase of Pali scripture of Baromathatibani Atha Katha Chariya Bedak, it is said that the Great Buddha was born on the full moon as Sasa Bandit or "Wise man born in the form of the Rabbit". To reflect this belief the Khmer people celebrate it annually during the full moon of the Khe Kadek. They prepare special cakes, Ambok and bananas to salute the moon.
In 2006 and 2007, on the full moon day of Water Festival, the National School of Fine Arts organized this ceremony in which hundreds of Cambodian people and foreigners participated. Most of the participants, particularly the NSFA students, wore traditional costumes, while the public participants wore smart casual. I was one of the public participants of both years. The gathering started at 6 pm with the offering of fruits and coconuts and some chit-chat. At 6.30 pm, after all the speeches were delivered, the Chhay Yam group, performers showing off with long drums and in comic masks and exaggerated hair styles and make-up, played its part. Preceding the time of Auk Ambok, a preacher told the history of the ceremony and described the purpose of offering all the food and drink, and we did some praying together until it was time of Auk Ambok. When it was time, the preacher counted 3 to 1 and we fed each other the Ambok and bananas and we drank the coconut juice offered at the beginning of the gathering. Following the formal ceremony, we danced traditional dances and sang songs. The ceremony ended at 9 pm with the parade of small illuminated boats, led by the Chhay Yam group, to the Mekong river. The boats were made from banana trees decorated with colored plastic and candles. Overally, the ceremony created an unforgettable historical and joyous moments for all participants and organizers.

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