On Saturday February 3, 2007, The Book Donation Project was successfully implemented for the first time at the Preah Sihanouk Varramann Secondary School in Saang district of Kandal province, which is located about 30 km south of Phnom Penh. Ms. Hav Monirath, CPY 2005, has initiated and coordinated the project, and, with support from Ex-CPYs and friends, a number of books were collected; many thanks to the book donors and collectors. Over 20 ex-CPYs and friends participated and assisted this “Reading for Future” workshop, which consisted of interactive activities (role play, discussion and presentation), with approximately 100 students. 100 reading books were donated to the library of the Sihanouk Varramann Secondary School.
Role play by ex-CPYs Group Interaction
Presentation of discussion result
Book hand-over to School Principal
As usual, PYs rushed and squeezed to show their big smiles to camerasssssssss